Uncanny Artist Ephemera and Objects for Artists and Collectors
  • 1932 Color Prints from Dolls and Puppets

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    This item consists of four 1932 Color Prints from Dolls and Puppets, written by Max von Boehn and published by George G. Harrap & Co., Ltd. of London.  The prints show: (1) "Puppet Theatre", illustrated by Walter Trier with a puppeteer sitting on a stage with eight marionettes; (2) "Punch-and-Judy Show in Naples, 1828" by Mörner with a variety of individuals in a crowd outside a castle watching an elevated stage; (3) "Scene from Adam's Comic Opera 'Die Nürnberger Puppe', Executed by Professor Jos. Wackerle" by the Marionette Theatre of Munich Artist with four puppets in a study watched by seven puppets in a closet behind them; and (4) "From 'Wasif und Akif Oder Die Frau Mit Den Zwei Ehemännern'" by A.T. Wegner and Lola Landau with Figures and scenery by Professor Leo Pasetti performed by the Marionette Theatre of Munich Artists, Paul Brann with a Middle Eastern scene filled with 13 people, a donkey and a camel marionettes.  Each of these pages measures 5.375" high by 8.5" wide with images varying in size from 3.5"x5.25" to 3.625"x5.75".  They are printed in vibrant colors on a medium weight paper with a slight sheen.  These 1932 Color Prints from Dolls and Puppets are in Very Good Condition with slight yellowing to the paper and a minor edge stain and tear.