This 1869 Chromolithograph Print of The Garden of Deduit is from Thomas Wright's Womankind in Western Europe (from earliest times to the seventeenth century), published by Groombridge and Sons, London. This image comes from the Roman de la Rose, a French poem originally written by Guillaume de Lorris around 1230 and completed by Jean de Meun in 1270. It chronicles the journey of a young man within a secluded garden setting (the Garden of Dèduit). This image, measuring about 6.25" high by 8.25" wide, shows a young man with lute playing for five women and one man before an elaborate fountain inside a lush garden. The print is in shades of pastel pink, blue, yellow and green with gold accents. The illustration is arched and surrounded by a thin rose-colored line border and has the printed signature of "H Briscoe del." "The Garden of Deduit." is written in thin black block letters on a cream-colored outer border. This 1869 Chromolithograph Print of The Garden of Deduit is in very good condition with no damage, fading or wear.